Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
To make it even more clear, i'm......messy, disorganized, not rule conscious, rebellious, rash, weird, ambivalent about chaos, likes bizarre things, anti-authority, not good at saving money, not a perfectionist, leaves many things unfinished, low self control, strange, desires more attention, romantic daydreamer, abstract, impractical, unproductive, leisurely, likes the unknown.
Not so good, eh? Saya pengen ngerubah yang jelek-jelek nih. terutama bagian "low self control" dan "romantic daydreamer". Barusan blogwalking nemu blog yang enlightening, dari seseorang cewe yang pemikirannya ternyata beda jauh dari penampilannya yang oh-so-party-fling-girl. Aku takjub. Dia bilang :
"Saya seorang yang head-over-heart, tidak senang bersekutu dengan kesedihan. Saya memilih untuk mencari kebahagiaan, bangkit dari kenangan, dan jalin cerita masa depan. Kesedihan yang lama tidaklah baik untuk kesehatan jiwa. Toh, everything comes and goes for and with a reason."
Envy her. Beneran deh.
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