Monday, March 29, 2010

produktivitas di kala kepepet

Ngobrol-ngobrol sama si mbak officer RZI saya yang baik hati pagi ini, saya jadi keingetan kalo saya harus berhenti menge-judge orang lain. Karena saya belum tentu lebih baik dari orang yang saya judge itu... Dia juga bilang, jangan berubah karena manusia. Motivasinya haruslah kebaikan di mata si Boss Of The Universe. Saya jadi malu... Simple thing yang saya aja ngga pernah bisa bener ngelakuinnya... Saya coba. Insya Allah saya coba lakuin..

Now, another thing. Another duniawi thing. Let's see..

Kerjaan kantor buat beberapa hari : check.
Tukeran siaran : check.
Ini itu ini itu ini itu anu : check.

Sungguh sebuah produktivitas kalo lagi mau bolos begini.
But still, productive. That was something, no?

So I'm done for today.

*akhirnya bisa pulang*

Saturday, March 27, 2010

turn our lights off, shall we?

Heya, just drop by to say hello again. So, hello! :)

Anyway, sekarang ini di depanku ada Zacky. Senyam senyum, ngajak ngobrol, mondar mandir "peragaan busana". Bikin ngga konsen ngetik. Dia lagi seneng lately, hihihi. Love, life and careernya sedang lancar. Semoga terus kaya gitu ya chung. Meskipun dibilangnya aku ini si "mulut jahat" karena kalo ngomong (baca : ngritik) suka ngga kira-kira. Entah masalah bingungan kalo siaran, dia yang ngga tau istilah atau tokoh fashion (even yang common knowledge sekalipun, secara dia kan designer-wannabe?), sampe masalah internet yang cuma dipake buffering Youtube Lady Gagaaaaa mulu. Tapi katanya "kejahatan"-ku selalu jadi cambuknya untuk tahu dan maju. Tsaaahhh, gayamu chung! :p

*baruuuu aja kelar ngetik begini, ehh.. ybs minta dibalesin SMS dari kekasihnya pake "bahasa Inggris yang romantis". Tuh, kalo begitu gimana mulutku mau ngga jahat coba? Hihihi.

Ah. Weekend ini ada beberapa hal yang harus dikerjakan. Dan dipikirkan. Paperworks, obligations, several client's order... Semoga ada cukup energi dan sel kecil abu-abu di dalam sana (meminjam istilahnya Sherlock Holmes). Idih sok sibuk sekali saya. Padahal ngga segitunya juga, ehehe :D

So, let's take a little walk. Have a nice weekend folks!

And don't forget to turn your lights off,
for Earth Hour, tonite, from 8.30-9.30 pm!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Call Louise, Louisa, do.

Hell-Ow! How's your day? Hope life always treats you good :)

Mine? Euh, kali ini akronim SNAFU (Situation Normal : All Fucked Up) ngga bisa dipakai. Mungkin FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Reparation) lebih bisa diterima. But can I just try? To fix it from my part? Ah. Better talk no more, because you won't buy, I understand... Lebih baik kukerjakan saja apa yang seharusnya dikerjakan. And thank you, for you, you, everybody, for gave me that slap. I really need it. I really am...

And now, with this state of mind, although still carry the weight of the world on shoulder (mulai lebay)... Sun seems shining brighter.

Hmm, what else?

Ah, yesterday my team performed vocal test for those prospective broadcaster. Asik deh. Mulai dari yang udah pro banget karena udah punya basic, yang bener-bener amatir tapi kelihatan comfy, yang berusaha tampak cool tapi tidak begitu berhasil atau yang sampe kebingungan berat. Public speaking isn't as easy as it seems, indeed. Tapi bukan berarti ngga bisa dipelajari. Jadi keingetan jaman dulu, pas masih kucluk-kucluk dateng kesini cuma karena diajakin temen. Ngga kebayang sama sekali siaran tuh ngapain aja, ngga punya kepengenan jadi penyiar juga. Waktu itu pas tes disuruh simulasi siaran dengan materi yang disiapin sendiri. Karena have no idea about any fancy-current thing, akhirnya aku ngomong soal satu-satunya hal yang aku tahu saat itu : komik. Kebetulan waktu itu masih aktif di studio komik, jadi ya sudahlah. Eh ternyata Bang Ade dan Mba Arin dan Mas Arif dan Mas Iyan yang ngetes waktu itu bisa aku kibulin, jadilah dilolosin :D

Ngomongin siaran jadi keingetan ngantor juga nih. Aku dapet.. jeng jeng jeng.. SP plus potong gaji! RrrAhhhh. SP-nya sih ngga papa, potong gajinya ituuuuhhh. Gara-gara telat ngantornya kebanyakan. Tapi ngeliat kartu absenku, timeline-nya parah sih memang. So I deserve that. Huduhhh *ngelap jidat*

Yak, untuk melipur lara, mari kita persembahkan kembali Jonas, Bo, Silas, yang masih barengan sama Johan. Go goosebump-ing.

Yes. And The Glass Handed Kites so far masih jadi frequent listened album sehari-hari. Nuansanya lebih dark. Prog rock, dream pop dan shoegaze-nya berasa banget. Belum lagi track-to-track sustainability-nya. Ah, delightful. Kalo yang No More Stories... masih terasa dreamy, tapi lebih sublime dan 'terang'. I like them all, but each has utility for different mood state.

Ohkay. Enough for today. Off I go.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

are you Dastan or what?

While I'm sobbing and speechless...

... dia bertanya apa itu Straider. Apa nama pedang pemberian Galadriel. Nama logam yang membentuk baju zirah Frodo. Nama hutan tempat tinggal kaum Ent. Password menuju Moria. Nama saudara sepupu Gimli.

Kemudian dia bercerita tentang kompas Log Post dan Eternal Post. Mengabsen satu demi satu kru bajak laut Monkey D. Luffy. Soal organisasi Baroque Works. Soal Grand Line. Soal Thousand Sunny.

A bit irrelevant, but how can I thank you for that?

supernova in my head

I'm lucky, this is Thursday.
Pas kebetulan aku puasa sunah.

I'm lucky, this office has a rooftop.
Yang sepi dan ga ada siapa-siapa.

I'm lucky because...
My Boss of The Universe has this name.
One of 99 names.

It's.. Al-Afuwwu.

Midnite Devastation

Hello troublesleeping.

Lucky, still got several movie files in my harddisc. Tonite's choice : 2012. Well, watched this mega-budget-ultra-CGI-disaster-movie thru 10 inches screen was not a very pleasant choice though. But i have no other option, so I tucked into this netbook for two and half hours. Phew.

The movie was... BANG BOOM POW. And that's it. I'm overrated this movie. Thank God I didn't dragged into the euphoria and queueing for hours in cinemas. Because so many cliche here in this movie and I'm tired watched those massive abomination. Not to mention some scientific oddness too. Ah enough said. I can't tell better than Rod Hilton.

Haven't met Rod yet? You should. Everytime I finished with any movies, I always made my way to and read Rod Hilton's hilarious-satire-but-that's-true script. He criticize movies by made an abridged screenplay of it. Found this website sometime ago when I did random research for developing ILFIL. Amusing, indeed. And don't offended so easily if they making fun of your favourite movies. Because they just, like, mock every movies. So check the star-o-meter for the objective (i guess..) rating.

I'll share you guys one of his masterpiece : The abridged script of 2012. Made me choked in my nutrisari. Check another abridged script, maybe they had your favourite movie too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bloody Tuesday

OoooOOoo. Nooo. Didn't mean for being disrespectful to all of my brother and sister that celebrate Nyepi today. Sungguh saya menghormati... Hanya saja.. Di hari libur ini, setelah siaran dan bikin skrip sedikit, saya langsung mancal pulang dan nonton 3 film yang berdarah-darah.

Naaah. Not gory nor horror. Takut saya. He eh, saya ngga malu kok bilang saya penakut kalo urusannya sama film begituan. Daripada tengah malam buta pulang siaran atau pagi uthuk-uthuk berangkat siaran saya kebayang-bayang? Mau dikata dibayarin kek sama anak-anak nonton Rumah Dara yang konon masterpiece itu.. Beuh. Engga deh.

So today, i've got Jennifer's Body. Yes. The promiscuous-wet-lippy Megan Fox. Being devilish, eat boys and kiss Amanda Seyfried! :D Edgy, terasa aroma Diablo Cody, secara desye produser disinih. Err btdubs, kalo dibilang film ini salah satu pembuktian akting Megan Fox selain getting down and dirty di Transformers.. Yaaa... Tidak begitu signifikan sih... She's still play naughty, show some skin dan mangap-mangap seksi gitu. Amanda Seyfriednya malah yang keren disini. Better than her act in MammaMia thingy, with sore eyes and so much blood.

Next movie : Ninja Assassin. Bersama My-Name-Is-Rain yang berbadan kekar, kering! Woo hoo. Tapi ngeliat wajahnya, bawaannya tetep keingat Yong Jai, dan drama Korea kawan-kawannya itu.. Sorry Rain. Filmnya sendiri sih, umm, tipical film action eye candy saja. Malah di beberapa bagian ada mise-en-scene yang janggal, terutama bagian tradisi ninjanya. Tapi yang bikin terhibur tuh premis 'martial art' versus 'sophisticated artilery'-nya. Ninja versus special weapon attack team! Katana versus grenade launcher! Shuriken versus night-vision-visor! More blood! And body parts scattered everywhere! *lho katanya ngga suka gory?*

And finally, Quentin Tarantino made my day. Inglourious Basterds! Ketawa-ketawa mulu ngeliat film yang satu ini. Soooooooo witty, love it! Lengkap dengan chapter-ing, freeze frame, sekuen montase, bed music ala western spaghetti dan pemakaian comical copy untuk mengemphasize identitas karakter. Sangat Tarantino. The dialogue was frikkin hilarious yet well made too. Semua cast dapet bagian untuk menjadi hilarious. Brad Pitt dan aksen anehnya, Melanie Laurent on her avenge mission, Christoph Waltz yang intimidatif, Martin Wuttke as Hitler.. semua. Oh tak lupa, tentu saja ada extreme close up shot jari-jari kaki wanita cantik, Diane Kruger in this case, karena konon Mr. QT ini toe fetish (like we've all seen in Kill Bill series) :p Dipadukan dengan magazines, knife, blood, scalps, and killing scene with a club. O yea. I'm eyeing Eli Roth as Donny The Bear Jew :D He's my fave, with those clumsiness, baseball bat, 'fuck-a-duck' curse and glove-gun scene! Overall, i savor this movie a lot.

There you go. The bloody Tuesday, on screen.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

1 mins 47 secs amewzingness


No more stories, no more stories, no more stories, no more stories
Are told today, told today, told today, told today
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
They washed away, washed away, washed away, washed away

No more stories, no more stories, no more stories, no more stories
The world is grey, world is grey, world is grey, world is grey
I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired
Let's wash away, wash away, wash away, wash

Friday, March 12, 2010

not so cryptic cryptical-post.

Perhaps I didn't look good enough to experience something. So I need, umm, 'enhancer' to make it come true. An evil 'enhancer'.
(as evil as seen in sinetron, maybe.)

Surprise : I didn't do it. Not even crossed in mind, for God's sake.
(yes, because I still believe in God.)

From long time ago, it's just need one simple nod from me to made another bad thing keep coming. But with all respect..
(surprise, again) ..I didn't do it.

Pardon? Not enough goodwill? This is bad enough?
(oh. believe me. you have no idea.)

So how can you call someone a thief, if things were given to this person and instead, this person was sooo overwhelmed refuse?
(errr. as if this is rocket science not to understand easily..)

Ah. Yes.
Just need someone to blame, that's why.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

morning after dark

Mencoba trayek baru buat berangkat ke studio pagi ini. Ternyata memang lebih cepet. Less than 4 songs. Yang pasti sih lagunya bukan semacem Winds of Change yang 8 menitan ya. Lagu standar 4 menitan sahaja..

Ya, naik motor sambil denger mp3 player memang ngga baik. Kebiasaan sejak jaman kuliah nih. Tapi volumenya masih reasonable kok, beneran. Berguna buat ngukur timing kalo udah hampir telat. Dan nyanyi-nyanyinya berguna buat conditioning suara kalo mau siaran pagi-pagi begini :p Maklum bangun tidur.. Suaranya masih 'bantal' sekali..

Dan pagi ini ada sedikit kejutan.
But still, namanya tetep kejutan.
Aku terkejut.


Monday, March 8, 2010

monday on fray

Terpana melihat teaser sinetron berjudul.. TERDAMPAR. Wow. Pesawat jatuh terdampar di pulau misterius dengan monster dan bayangan-bayangan hitam berlarian di pucuk pepohonan ala Mantili. Wow. Random.

Semalam dapet rebound siaran dari Ka Echa. Siaran rock datang di waktu yang sangat tepat. Puas rasanya meracuni pendengar dengan lagu-lagu egois. Mintanya lagu apa, dipelintir jadi apa. Hmm, for the sake of mengenalkan lagu baru yaaa, jadi ngga yang itu-itu aja yang diputerin *ngeles* Lagipula rasanya mereka suka kok :p

Oh ya, kemaren juga nyaris melakukan pembelian speaker aktif subwoofer nan impulsif, gara-gara kelayapan di mall sama Via nyari es krim PH yang toppingnya all-you-can-eat itu. The ice cream was good (cleguk. lagi puasa..), and the speaker was good too. Plus, the price was right soalnya lagi pameran. But.. AH. It's a WANTS. Not a NEEDS. Di rumah masih ada walaupun spec-nya ngga sehandal yang aku pengen. Still : a wants. Dan Via tidak membantu, malah nyetanin. Waks. Untung imanku (dan dompetku) berhasil kupegang erat-erat...

Aaand. What else? Itu saja sih. Sekedar setor muka. Karena, yea, scribo ergo sum. Saya menulis maka saya ada :D

Have a superb day everybody!

ps :
listening Fox Cub and Apocalypso in a row is a real pleasure.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

squinting. grateful feeling.

at the end of everyday, it's important to say to ourselves :
today was a good day.
even for a very simple reason : witnessing today's bright sky.


ps : sorry for the poorlighting, overexposure and whatnot.
just wanna share the idea.

Random Shot : the ferocious rice


When : di suatu siang yang panas, haus habis ngemsi
Where : penjual ramesan di depan Indomaret Kelud
What : habis beli minum, this menu caught my eyes.
Personal note :
dalam bahasa
Jawa, beberapa kata tertentu
yang menggunakan huruf i memang diucapkan
secara samar antara i dan e.

Tapi penulisannya seharusnya masih tetap pakai 'i'.
Kalo nulisnya begini rasanya seperti

makan nasi yang begitu GARANG! yeah! KERENG!

There's a silver line among the storm

This guy called Nuno. Don't overrated him, because he has a hell of a job: Music Director. Em-Dee. How great is that? Music. Director. He did serious business, such as : listening music. And became Music Director means you enter a large range of music director radio network in Indonesia. The Music Directors hang out frequently. They met up each other, along with artists and recording labels. Because it was like a symbiotic mutualism. Despite the existence of internet, labels and artists still need radio network on behalf of the MDs to promote their work. Then the MDs got several privileges from the labels.

Okay. Back to Nuno, the tremendous guy. He just returned from Jakarta, after attending an event called National Radio Day 2010. Besides avoiding floods and traffic jams, back there in Jakarta he met someone from Sony Music, the label that released.. Ellipse : Imogen Heap's latest album in Indonesia.

Yes. Imogen Heap. The owner of Power Mac 8-chores armed with 18 GB of RAM only for her music work, who sang with smokey-voice, Monome user, music-geek, internet-freak, witty-fashionista, electronic sound manipulator, 2010 Grammy winner for Best Engineered Album Non-Classical, female singer who knew exactly music she played, and finally... singer that I admire since I found her single in dusty corner of studio's discotheque 4 years ago.

Imogen Heap will held a concert in Jakarta. March 31st. *swoon* And Nuno, with the power of MD networking came up to studio last night with a heavenly offer : "Imogen Heap ticket, anyone?" I almost fainted.

But I'm relieved, because Nuno *ahem* was insane enough to pass me the ticket. He even got a Java Jazz ticket from Platinum Records, but he decided not to go. I don't know what's wrong with his head, but as long as he gave me the opportunity : It's a RAD.

I am speechless.

Nuno. You are the man.
Immi. I'm just a face in the crowd. But I'll be there.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dari Mataram, melaporkan.

*pake jarik, masang konde, duduk timpuh, ngambil mic*

"Semarang kaline banjir..."

Iyak, tepat sekali. Kota Semarang, terutama di daerah Semarang Timur dan daerah-daerah yang dekat laut memang mudah tergenang air kalau musim hujan datang. Kebetulan kantorku di daerah Semarang Timur, di depan jalan satu arah (lihat peta). Makanya tiap ujan, banyak titik yang tergenang dan akhirnya bikin macet. Habis siapa yang rela kendaraannya kemasukan genangan air yang bercampur juga sama air laut?

+ Lingkaran merah : bunderan Bubakan
+ Persegi panjang biru : kawasan yang tergenang air
+ Tanda X merah : posisi kantor saya

Dan inilah pemandangan dari balkon kantor habis hujan sore ini.

Foto diatas adalah pemandangan yang selalu terlihat di Jl. MT. Haryono (known as daerah Mataram) dan Jl. Dr. Cipto after one hella heavy rain. Hampir selalu. Mobil-mobil yang mengarah ke Bunderan Bubakan terhenti karena daerah sana tergenang. Tapi mau balik arah udah susah, akhirnya stuck-lah mereka semua disana. Kalo motor sih masih bisa nyelip sana-sini. Biasanya sih macet begini baru terurai kalo genangan di depan sana surut. Mungkin sekitar maghrib nanti kalau ngga ujan lagi.

So, watch out folks.

ps :
dan ini baru seujung kuku masalah drainase dan tata kota Semarang. Mumpung udah deket Pilwakot Semarang 18 April 2010 nih, bapak-ibu calon jangan lupa lho sama 'milestone'-nya kota Semarang ini...

*tsahhh. nyambungnya ke Pilwakot! Khas penyiar! Nyambung-nyambunginnn*

not so rise and shine

Semalam aku mimpi..
...mimpi buruk sekaliiii..

*iyeooo, jadi dangdut*

Oke. Seriously.

So I had this dream. Definitely not a nightmare. A dream about my long long long lost love. I barely remember the details, but it's just... gloomy. In my dream, the color was duotone, sephia, sooo brownish. And there was him. And I almost didn't recognized him. And it made me sad. And we didn't made any conversation. And I couldn't remember the rest. And I woke up with a crumpled face. And confused. And sad.

This is freak.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sour Favour

warning : this post may content a bit advertorial-ish. i didn't intend, really. but if there are parties who want to give me so-called-rewards, well.. i'm so reachable here.

Setelah mengalami fatigue yang berkepanjangan, this tiny little mind of mine segera mencanangkan niat untuk kembali (sedikit) melakukan gaya hidup sehat : spill some sweat back on aerobic class and... eat right. Right by any means. Meh. Ngga usah dibahas lah ya, daripada menyakitkan hatiku (bye bye instant noodle, we won't meet up in daily base anymore *mewek*).

So today i ate soup with a lot of veg on it for lunch. Aku bukan pecinta sayuran, just like a little kid who should be forced to gobble vegetables in their plate. Tapi dalam hal ini aku (kadang) sadar, for the sake of my metabolism, aku HARUS makan sayuran. Sop, sayur bayem, sayur asem, pecel, dan lalapan adalah beberapa jenis masakan sayuran yang bisa aku makan dengan senang hati. Sisanya... Yah, harus sedikit memaksakan diri..

Dan ketika tadi pulang dari studio tiba-tiba datang keinginan yang begitu besar buat minum yogurt Cimory, aku merasa HARUS memenuhinya. Mumpung masih dalam grand design 'eat right' nempel di jidat nih. Udah gitu yogurt Cimory ini rasanya lumayan cocok, ngga kaya beberapa merek lain yang rasanya *ahem* kaya obat batuk.

Eh ternyata si Cimory ini yang kemarenan ada di minimarket-minimarket terdekat di kota Anda, were misteriously missing tonite! Di Alfamart ngga ada, di Indomaret juga ngga ada. So I decided to broaden my perimeter : ride to Giant supermarket. Voila! Cimory were just scattered here and there! And it's not just that. If the 'mini' only provides 3 kind of flavour, the 'giant' has 9! I'm confused, so I finally take em all. Yak.

Hingga postingan ini diturunkan, aku udah minum 2 botol.
Euh. Semoga pencernaanku tetap sehat esok hari.


O, excitement-in-doing-paperworks, I summon you. Now.

.So i didn't wasting my time here made ridiculous pics like this and a heap more.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Round of applause? Standing ovation?

Salah satu dari banyak drama multi-plot yang kita punya : sidang paripurna yang membahas kasus Century. Saya ini orang awam, tidak tahu banyak soal politik, dan tidak punya ulasan tajam mengenai ini. Satu hal yang saya tahu pasti : Selalu ada cara yang lebih baik untuk menyampaikan pendapat.

Apalagi jika Anda adalah our noble board of representatives. Yang pastinya pintar, intelek, ber-EQ bagus, bijaksana dan tentunya.. berpendapatan layak.

Tidak dengan berteriak-teriak. Tidak dengan berlagak class-clown yang nyeletuk-nyeletuk garing nimpalin omongan orang lain tanpa diminta (it's not a class, though). Tidak dengan melempar pimpinan rapat dengan botol air mineral.

Begitu juga dengan Anda, para mahasiswa. Yang merupakan agent of change, pintar, tajam, terstruktur, kritis dan lain-lain. Pasti ada cara lain yang lebih baik untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuan Anda pada sistem.

Tidak dengan membakar foto kepala negara Anda. Tidak dengan melempari traffic-light dengan batu. Tidak dengan melempari gedung DPR dengan kaus kaki. Tidak dengan merusak mobil berpelat merah.

Dan semuanya terekam oleh kamera televisi lokal, nasional..
bahkan internasional.
Kalau yang pintar saja bertingkah barbar..
Kami yang bodoh ini harus seperti apa?

de·mo·kra·si /démokrasi/ n Pol 1 (bentuk atau sistem) pemerintahan yg seluruh rakyatnya turut serta memerintah dng perantaraan wakilnya; pemerintahan rakyat; 2 gagasan atau pandangan hidup yg mengutamakan persamaan hak dan kewajiban serta perlakuan yg sama bagi semua warga negara;

(Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia)

Mungkin mereka lupa bagian 'bebas dan bertanggung jawab'-nya.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mr. gorgeous slash hilarious

Si mas ganteng yang satu ini selain sooo talented as an actor, emang ngga pernah keberatan diajak ngelakuin funny-staged-act. Di Letterman, di Jimmy Kimmel, bareng Sarah Silverman, di Entourage. Dan yang satu ini :D


Katanya : kesabaran itu tidak terbatas.

What would you be, if your suppose-to-be-the-most-supporting-people degrading you? Saying bad things about you? Discomfort you? I still trying to figure what will I be. Because I'm living with those people, since the early phase of my life. Very early. Certain people from my closest environment.

It was tough. With them, I can't find myself fit on anything. For them, I was just so wrong. Even if I didn't do anything wrong. They said, my 'existence' was a mistake. The 'existence' runs in my genes. The 'existence' I can't change.

Maybe I could be as bad as they said. I could make their big-bad-ass-picture of me come true. It was soooo easy. But I won't. Why should I? It wasn't me. It was a wrong charges. But they just don't care.

Their eyes are blinded.
Their ears were closed.
Their lips speak whatever pleased their own.

And that wasn't the only one. This sort of thing also happens in other aspects of my life. That people often got me wrong. Once, twice, three times, four times... I can't recall. I live with it. Breath with it. If this is the consequence, then it's a consequence of the things I didn't even do. Maybe I am. But not most of it.

However, I still put this little smile time to time.
Live the life.
And won't talking trash.

Because people may get me wrong.
But The Boss of The Universe does not.