Saturday, March 6, 2010

There's a silver line among the storm

This guy called Nuno. Don't overrated him, because he has a hell of a job: Music Director. Em-Dee. How great is that? Music. Director. He did serious business, such as : listening music. And became Music Director means you enter a large range of music director radio network in Indonesia. The Music Directors hang out frequently. They met up each other, along with artists and recording labels. Because it was like a symbiotic mutualism. Despite the existence of internet, labels and artists still need radio network on behalf of the MDs to promote their work. Then the MDs got several privileges from the labels.

Okay. Back to Nuno, the tremendous guy. He just returned from Jakarta, after attending an event called National Radio Day 2010. Besides avoiding floods and traffic jams, back there in Jakarta he met someone from Sony Music, the label that released.. Ellipse : Imogen Heap's latest album in Indonesia.

Yes. Imogen Heap. The owner of Power Mac 8-chores armed with 18 GB of RAM only for her music work, who sang with smokey-voice, Monome user, music-geek, internet-freak, witty-fashionista, electronic sound manipulator, 2010 Grammy winner for Best Engineered Album Non-Classical, female singer who knew exactly music she played, and finally... singer that I admire since I found her single in dusty corner of studio's discotheque 4 years ago.

Imogen Heap will held a concert in Jakarta. March 31st. *swoon* And Nuno, with the power of MD networking came up to studio last night with a heavenly offer : "Imogen Heap ticket, anyone?" I almost fainted.

But I'm relieved, because Nuno *ahem* was insane enough to pass me the ticket. He even got a Java Jazz ticket from Platinum Records, but he decided not to go. I don't know what's wrong with his head, but as long as he gave me the opportunity : It's a RAD.

I am speechless.

Nuno. You are the man.
Immi. I'm just a face in the crowd. But I'll be there.


faza said...


diLa said...

thank you for stopping by, faza :)

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