Monday, February 28, 2011

last day of FEBRUARY

I woke up this morning grumbled. March. It's almost March.
So many unfinished business and it's almost March.

Bangun dari kasur, punggung pegel karena springbed melengkung. I grumbled.
Masuk ke kamar mandi, airnya dingin. I grumbled.
Buka lemari bajunya habis, banyak yang belum dicuci. I grumbled.
Di jalan lalu lintas padat banget, bikin aku telat sampai kantor. I grumbled.

Sampai di kantor, aku parkir dekat tong sampah. Dan di tong sampah itu, seorang bapak pemulung sedang sibuk mengorek-ngorek sampah, while he chewed something from the trash can. And I was like, "God..."

How stupid and ungrateful I am.

I'm healthy. Surrounded by lovely people. Ain't need to dig up garbage to eat. I earn money and having fun. I sleep in that old bed, but still safe and sound though. Even along the way this morning, my favourite songs keep popped up while the mp3 player set on shuffle mode. Another reason to cherish the day, right?

But I grumbled for everything this morning.

Just a reminder for me, and for everybody who woke up and felt like a shit today. Let's take a look for every little thing we've had. Aren't they a bless for us? Aren't they deserve an ''Alhamdulillah''? Aren't we lucky for being who we are?

Selamat menjelang bulan Maret! :)


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