Saturday, July 31, 2010


Aku membuka blogger hari ini dan di dashboard terpampang : 31 Juli, 299 posts. Berarti post ini adalah post ke 300, tepat di 1 tahunnya blog ini. Wow, pas ya?

Eits jangan protes, since I'm a woman and woman always has a thing on anniversary stuff, gapapa dong kalo aku inget umurnya blog ini. Hehe, ga sepenuhnya karena inget sih. Ya karena ngeliat di dashboard itu tadi.

Tapi iya ya. Mulai nulis disini tepat di tanggal ini, 1 taun yang lalu, pindah dari blog di friendster. This one isn't a blog that is very serious and smart and themed. I'm just building a new sand-castle at that time. A place where I could runaway and play and lay and tell stories. It shape depends on the brunt of the waves and the rustle of the wind. My mood.

So many stories. Of course, we all have many stories.
Sad stories, joyful stories.
Problem solved, problem unsolved.
Even problem caused another problem.
Sleepless nights, reckless days.
Stupidity, thoughtlessness.
All in here. More or less.

Yah begitulah.


Oke, udah mulai dead air.

Liat MV-nya Mew aja yuk. This is their newest single, Beach, from their latest album. A jiggy song, tidak terlalu Mew yang biasanya, tapi konsepnya si album baru ini memang beda sama album2 sebelumnya. But enjoyable, still. Dengerin lagu ini, tonalnya warna jingga. Rasanya seperti naik sepeda di pinggir pantai yang gerimis di senja hari. Tsahhh.

Let's hop on the Beach.
Because... it is sweet outside, where it seems magicaaal...


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