Monday, August 30, 2010

over a QUARTER

Postingan telat alert. Ini sebenernya mau diposting tanggal 28 Agustus, on my level up :) Dan gambar astronot itu diambil dari Dan aku akhirnya punya converse merah. Dan aku belum tidur sama sekali dalam 24 jam ini. And why do I have to tell you this :-?

Hmmm ada beberapa hal (banyak sih sebenernya) yang meleset tahun ini. Hopefully I can bear it still. Now, dear Boss of the Universe, do You mind to hear me out? I had a little gibberish.

I will try,
To have a chat with You more intensely.
(Well it is supposed to be my needs though)
To brush up this and that.
To think positively on anything.
To loosen up a bit.

Not blabbermouthing here and there.
Not involving too much drama.
Not procrastinating too much thing.
Not exaggerating everything.

And some other thing I will whisper them personally to You.
May I? Ah. You're nodding, I know that :)

Thank You. Alhamdulillah. Bismillah.


Pradipta Nugrahanto said...

Cihuyyy Ultah nih yeee :D..semoga semakin tua semakin hore dan semakin beringas. Tetap selalu mengenakan sneakers warna warni, dan tidak pernah bosan mengkritisi tontonan.

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