Friday, September 10, 2010


Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 H

Maafkan lahir batin ya atas semua kesalahan saya... Semoga kedepannya kita semua bisa menjadi insan yang lebih baik dan barokah. Amiin.

As for me, this moment always being quite tricky. I'm talking about the family affair. Since everybody's gathered up and I'm the blacksheep of the family and certain issues' rose. But I think this time I pulled it off better than ever before. I feel serene and I even done those massive dirty-dishes with smile upon my face. Oh Boss of the Universe, how i love love love You.

Anyway, today's sky's beautiful, no?

ps :
I retype this post. And we all know, retyping post is sucks. I was typed the post with cellphone when it suddenly restarted but there's no draft saved.
Lesson learned : never blog with cell while browsing on many tabs, listening MP3, chatting and texting at once. Unless I'm on supersophisticated cell.

ps #2 :
picture source -- Valkos via


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