Wednesday, June 9, 2010

back to CHUCK

Bulan Juni tapi masih sering turun hujan. Selain masalah baju yang jadi sering basah keujanan, kali ini hot issuenya adalah sepatu, yang juga rawan 'nyemek' kalo keujanan. Ngga begitu hobi bawa sandal sebagai cadangan kalo ujan turun karena.. selalu lupa :p Ngga juga hobi langsung pake sandal karena.. lebih enak pake sepatu kalau motor-motoran di Semarang yang panas di siang hari. Pake sandal trus pake kaos kaki? Errr, no thanks.

Berhubung nama belakangku bukan Bradshaw, aku cuma punya 2 sepatu yang dipake gantian sehari-hari. Yang 1 materialnya kain. Yang 1 plastik, yang memang praktis banget buat ujan-ujanan, tapi bikin lecet. Kemarin si kain basah dan udah males banget pake si karet. Akhirnya aku dudah-dudah rak sepatu dan menemukan converse2 lama.

Wew, it's been a while. Some people said, converse is overrated as a fashion item. Too poserish and trendy. If you wear it with tee and jeans they will call you emo-poser. If you wear it with eyelet dress they will call you edgy-poser. Meh. What if they, people who pulled those suits off, are really feel what they're wearing? Don't blame converse because they're just too versatile.

But heck, i just need something to kick while my usual shoes soaking wet. And this chuck buddy suddenly brought me a real bliss. For the function, not the fashion. Kinda miss them. I wore them in whole college years, and for went jogging once in a while. Then I switch into slip on flat shoes after graduated. Buat alasan kepraktisan, karena ngantor disini = lepas pake sepatu melulu.

I spotted them, the chucks, below messy pile of old shoes in the shelf. The torn beige, patched green, blue stripe, all dusty and scruffy. Oh, and i still got that white-calf-hi-chuck-that-impossible-for-me-to-wear-on-a-daily-base-except-imma-j-rocks-member. Yang ini baru kepake beberapa kali. Terbeli berkat bujuk rayu Radith, 50% off dan kerjaan ngemsi di lapangan terbuka.

Still wanting the classic red one, yang dari dulu ga pernah kesampean, karena anggaran beli sepatunya selalu kepake buat beli sepatu2 cewe apalah itu buat ngemsi yang cuma bisa dipake sesekali dan akhirnya dikasih kesana-sini. I'll have it someday and hope at that time i still look decent on it :)


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