Mungkin aku bukan orang yang terlalu murah hati sama kamu. Sebenernya aku pengen ngasih banyak. Tapi ibarat calon dokter yang baru co-As, aku takut malpraktek. Ah, jangankan dokter co-As, mungkin aku ini baru calon perawat.
Tapi aku ngga bakal ngebiarin kamu sedih jalan sama aku. Kalopun aku belom terlalu kenal kamu seperti orang-orang laen, someday I will. Since I had you, I learn a bit of this and that about you. And keep going.
Dan hari ini kamu keliatan senang. Karena aku menepati janjiku buat beliin kamu ban. Sepasang, luar dalem, depan belakang. Biarpun nyarinya agak susah (karena aku ngga pengen kamu pake ban standar bawaan, tapi ngga mau juga yang tracenya nyala api), plus nyesuaiin bujet juga :D
Now look at you. Meskipun akhirnya pake standar, tapi standar mx ini oke juga. Gagah. Meski belom segagah si velg Venom itu, but you really looks good.
Tapi aku ngga bakal ngebiarin kamu sedih jalan sama aku. Kalopun aku belom terlalu kenal kamu seperti orang-orang laen, someday I will. Since I had you, I learn a bit of this and that about you. And keep going.
Dan hari ini kamu keliatan senang. Karena aku menepati janjiku buat beliin kamu ban. Sepasang, luar dalem, depan belakang. Biarpun nyarinya agak susah (karena aku ngga pengen kamu pake ban standar bawaan, tapi ngga mau juga yang tracenya nyala api), plus nyesuaiin bujet juga :D
Now look at you. Meskipun akhirnya pake standar, tapi standar mx ini oke juga. Gagah. Meski belom segagah si velg Venom itu, but you really looks good.
ps 1 :
it is him who teach me to treat my ride as a friend. i saw him did that to his ride. and somehow, it really works. he and his ride, were took care for each other.
ps 2 :
This whole tire subtitution quite caused a 'damage' to my financial condition. Don't blame si Pegih, because the previous night, I went to that skin-clinic, that cost me nearly as much as the tire-subs!
This treatment also gave me prone skin for that acnes and comedoes pinching! Nobody told me facial would be that hurt. Huks. And the medication! Oh God... That stuffs were made for some delicate women, not meeeee. So many rules! Apply that cream after wash the face, wait for two hours, then rinse again, then apply the cleansing milk, yadda yadda yadda.. And it ended up with me, just slept while watching the movie, without applying all of those to my face. Euh.
I guess I should pay more attention in this thing, since it cost me nearly as much as the tire-subs :)
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