Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mr. TONY STARK made my nite

Yesterday i had the so called mood turbulence. Penyebabnya macem-macem, dan yaaah, yang namanya puasa tuh emang ada aja cobaannya. Thank God i still got the guts to finish my job but after that I need to keep my head occupied. Lewat EP, somehow kepikiran : rrRRRahh! Nonton aja ah! :D

Pengen nonton Iron Man 2 yang konon penuh nuh nuh. Tapi dari pengalaman nonton sendirian, selalu ada 1 seat kosong nyempil disana-sini di sebuah show yang penuh. Biasa orang nonton berdua atau ramean sekalian, jadi pasti ada yang nyisa ditengah-tengah. And i really got the seat, the best one. On center top, straight to the screen with no other row in front of me. Hehe. Belum pernah nonton bioskop sendirian? Try it sometime, enak lho :D

Okay. IRON MAN 2. How i love Robert Downey Jr that brings the super cocky and narsistic Mr. Tony Stark came to life. Karakternya begitu bold, irreplaceable. So does Gwyneth Paltrow as Miss Pepper Potts yang hectic dan lagi-lagi mesti berlari-larian dengan heels dan pencil skirt. Hehe, ribet banget deh. Oh ya Scarlett Johansson lumayan lho doing some stunts as Black Widow. She looks fab with reddish brown hair and catsuit by the way. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury mengingatkanku pas jaman dia jadi The Octopus di The Spirit.

Don Cheadle yang ngegantiin tempat Terrence Howard sebage Rhodey a.k.a War Machine (heheh jadi jagoan ber-armor juga nih orang) agak terasa so-so. Chemistry-nya lebih dapet ke Terrence Howard. Next ada Sam Rockwell yang cukup irritating as Justin Hammer, Jon Favreau sang sutradara yang ikutan meranin Happy, and i can even recognized Paul Bettany's voice as J.A.R.V.I.S.

Beuh tapi villainnya emang mantap kaliii. Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko a.k.a Whiplash. Pas pertama muncul di sirkuit balap dengan jumpsuit burned down in torsoic part by the weaponry attached to his body and sliced F1 car by his electric whips like a butter... Byuh byuh byuh. Sangar. Tapi kok agak antiklimaks ya nasibnya orang ini...

Dari segi cerita, tidak lebih buruk dari yang pertama, tapi tidak jauh lebih bagus juga. Levelnya sama, cuma memang lebih memanjakan mata dengan lebih banyak powerful suit, explosion dan future technology. Tapi issue fatherhoodnya memang lebih kental. Drama ketika Tony berpikir dia akan mati, dan sang ayah ternyata memberikan clue lewat record yang udah disiapin sejak jaman dulu *ups spoiler* It's warmhearted. Verdict: this movie is so entertaining in every aspect you desired (kalo emang doyan film beginian). More action, some comedy, decent storyline and a bit romance. It will raise that little boy inside you.

Oh ya, kan katanya habis credit title bakal ada extra scene. Aku nungguin tuh sampe gedungnya nyaris kosong melompong, eh tapi udah 'diusir secara halus' sama petugas yang mau clean up. Too bad. Ternyata menurut om Wiki, ini lho extra scenenya :

"In a post-credits scene, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) is seen driving to a remote impact crater in the New Mexico desert. He then informs Fury over the phone that they've "found it" as the camera zooms to Thor's hammer."

Hmm. I foresee the next installment :D


via said...

mr. stark also made my day!!!!! guantengnyaaaaaaaa... ya oloohhhhhhhh.....

diLa said...

eheh makasih *tersipu-sipu..
(lho kok aku yang tersipu?!)

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