*) baca : Adios, motha fucka!
Ups. Bukan pembuka yang sopan buat sebuah postingan ya sepertinya. Cenderung kasar dan blak-blakan. Ya gimana dong, soalnya THE A-TEAM dibuka dengan quote tersebut, dan premis-premis yang begitu to the point. In less than first 30 minutes, yang sudah pernah mengikuti TV seriesnya akan mudah recalling and seize the the-a-team nuance, tapi dengan warna baru.
Sementara para penonton baru akan langsung dapat ringkasan yang padat tentang frame of referrence film ini. That John "Hannibal" Smith is the leader, loves cigar, so well-planned and sharp minded. Templeton "Face" Peck is such a overconfident cassanova, but damn good with weaponry. Bosco "B.A" Baracus is one hella badass (well yea since B.A stands for Bad Attitude), notorious, but easily tamed by coconut curry made by H.M "Howling Mad" Murdock. Oh and who's Murdock? He's the team's clown, with on-off insanity, but managed to flew anykind of aircraft like riding a bicycle (ps: yang meranin Murdock versi film ternyata adalah pemeran Wikus Van Der Merwe di District 9. Sepanjang film penasaran buanget soalnya, berasa familiar tapi ga nemu-nemu namanya)
Yak, selamat bernostalgia bagi Anda-Anda yang sempat hidup di era 90-an (like meee) dan menonton seri TV The A Team. Kalo aku sih, ingatannya lamat-lamat aja. Satu yang kuingat dengan pasti : the A-team adalah seri TV action dengan bumbu komedi, dimana mereka berempat selalu bisa menemukan jalan keluar atas situasi paling kejepit sekalipun, perencanaan yang matang untuk menyelesaikan misi, ledakan dimana-mana, gunfights, and car-chasing. Surprisingly, di tengah semua ramshackles itu kamu tidak akan menemukan sosok korban bersimbah darah :)) paling cuma.. blegedarrr dar der dor mobil kebalik orang jumpalitan.. Udah. family friendly banget deh.
Nah, di filmnya aku juga merasakan atmosfer yang sama. Bedanya, I see blood shed. Cuma sedikit sih, and it's normal. Kupikir TV seriesnya lah yang ngga wajar :)) But seriously, this movie really work the adaptation out. Cita rasa The A Teamnya terjaga, tim yang terlihat seperti sekelompok begundal, tapi punya prinsip dan rasa hormat yang kuat satu sama lain. Durasinya pas, fast pace, tidak terlalu bertele-tele. Cast pemerannya pun phisically lumayan mirip sama yang dulu. Iya ngga sih? Liat cast originalnya dibawah deh. What say you?
Don't go to cinema seeing this movie if you want some serious matter, or you'll going "What the heck!?" :D So many impossible (almost silly) thing when the A-Team pulled off their job. Like my favorite scene.. *spoiler alert*.. when four of them are trapped on a tank falling from massive Hercules jet. Basically the tank attached with parachutes, but the parachutes ripped off, firing by two unmanned aerial vehicle. Oke, sampai sini sudah terdengar extravagant. But you haven't heard everything. While falling, the tank is firing rounds to reduce the momentum, manage to falls on a lake, and minutes later the tank come out from the lake safely :)) That's hilariously epic!
All in all, enjoy the adventure within this movie. And at the end, you'll know which team to contact if you have an unsolved problem :D
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Monday, June 28, 2010
- diLa
- mood set by music and movies. thrilled by words and pictures at the same time. simple but complicated. savor both being alone or stuck in a crowd.
- alpha, mike, FOXTROT!*
- hello, FULL MOON
- SOKKER sien
- not so STEREO symbiosis
- BACKUP leader, super SIDEKICK
- DRAGON roared in HER back
- But it's FUN here, REALLY :D
- WRITE the way you TALK*
- back to CHUCK
- MORNING scribbling
- for GOOD
- BOW of the SKY
- under PARACETAMOL influence
- today's ISSUES
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pas jamanku ni film maen minggu siang gtu dech..jadi kadang nonton,kadang msh di gereja..kadang lg maen masak2an..kadang lg maen bola ato perang2an di "hutan" kelapa belakang rumah..
seru..lucu..biar pun bkan serial fav bocah SD waktu itu..
kalo seingetku mainnya sore.. sore apa siang ya? ah lupa! pokoknya ngejogrok di depan TV aja kalo pas the A Team main :D
Alpha Mike Foxtrot itu
AMF ya?
jadinya Adios Mother Fucker...
@faceman peck/weapons blog :
yep.. nah itu di judulnya kan ada asterisk-nya (*), trus ada keterangannya di bawahnya :)
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